Current Projects

The bureau’s outputs include enhanced relations with African contacts, maintaining a roster of experts, increased awareness and capacity for handling biodiversity, environmental and climate change projects in Africa and donor community, training, advisory services, and the identification of potential projects for investment, poverty reduction, natural resource management and technology transfer

Need our Services?
  1. Prepare Mauritius quality proposals for NAMA 4th and 5th Call for proposals in industrial technological im-provement, energy efficiency and floating solar technology for renewable energy transformation towards low carbon development 

  2. Support Trade Mark East Africa ASSET Project (evaluated ongoing projects and environment in terms of ICT innovation and modernization programmes planned, ongoing and being implemented by EAC member countries in trade and transportation facilitation. The study had particular focus on ICT innovations on the implementation of the Single Customs Territory (SCT) leading up to the Customs Union. The geographic area covered was the EAC region (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania) and South Sudan within the context of the COMESA and the EAC. The findings of the study were input in the re-positioning of TMEA’s ICT portfolio to take advantage of the opportunities created and to re-align the portfolio where the opportunities may have been lost. In particular, the study was to make concrete recommendations on the way forward with regards to the TMEA supported Alternative Scheme for Secure Transit (ASSET) 

  3. Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAS) and Reduced Deforestation Land degradation and Agricultural Productivity (REDD+) 

    • Resource recovery from urban waste to reduce methane emissions as a response to climate change mitigation and generate employment, income and clean environment for the urban poor. 
    • Afforestation, reafforestation, forest management, forest conservation and protection and beauti-fication of city slums to enhance carbon sinks›- Restoration of watersheds, water conservation and management, efficient water use to resist ef-fects of climate change 
    • Payment for Environmental and Ecological Services (PES), 
    • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Strategic Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (SEA), Socio-Economic Assessment and Analysis, Gender Assessment and Analysis, 
    • Climate change mitigation through innovative mechanisms including uplifting standards of living in urban slum areas through insulated ceilings, installation of efficient water heaters and energy saving lighting directly reducing energy costs and achieving climate change benefits.